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Start Date:
To be Announced
Timothy Hsi
Tuition Fee:

Our Career Coaching Specialist Program is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to specialise in the field of career coaching. This program consists of multiple sessions, each meticulously crafted to cover essential topics and competencies.

Our program blends synchronous and asynchronous learning, offering a holistic approach to career development and coaching. Participants leave with practical skills, a deep understanding of career principles, and the ability to empower clients on their career journeys.

Who is this course for:

  • Erickson Graduates
  • Graduates from other institutes
  • Any coach who would like to expand their knowledge and coaching expertise.

What you will learn:

  • Assessment Proficiency:
    Participants will gain proficiency in using assessment tools for career planning, including those related to career values, interests, personality, and transferable skills. They will be skilled at administering, interpreting, and translating assessment results into actionable guidance.
  • Practical Employability Skills:
    Participants will acquire practical skills in resume writing and interview preparation, enabling them to assist clients in crafting compelling resumes aligned with their career attributes and effectively preparing for job interviews.
  • Understanding Career Development Principles:
    Upon completion of the program, participants will have a deep understanding of fundamental career development principles and theories, including Person-Environment fit (Holland's theory) and Self-Concept (Super's theory). They will possess in-depth knowledge of career development theories to provide informed career guidance.
  • Utilizing Career Coaching Framework:
    Participants will develop effective career coaching competencies, embodying core skills such as establishing and maintaining agreements, cultivating trust and safety, and evoking awareness. They will be equipped with the ability to guide clients through the career exploration and decision-making process
Timothy Hsi

Dr. Timothy Hsi

Dr. Timothy Hsi: A Pioneer in Education, Counselling, and Career Coaching

Meet Dr. Timothy Hsi, a distinguished figure in the realms of education, psychotherapy, and career coaching. His journey is a testament to perseverance and dedication.

Originating from Singapore, Dr. Tim embarked on his counselling career in 1997. His early days were marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and skills, laying a solid foundation for his future endeavours.

In 2003, he joined the Singapore Management University, where he played a pivotal role in establishing and leading the counselling service. Under his guidance, the centre achieved the distinction of becoming Singapore's first donor-named counselling service, known as the "Mrs. Wong Kwok Leong Student Wellness Centre."

In 2015, he founded Abundanz Consulting Pte Ltd, a company specializing in training and certification for career development coaching and counselling. Dr. Tim's work introduced innovative career development training programs in Singapore and across Asia, significantly impacting the profession.

Transitioning to the Australian College of Applied Professions in 2016, Dr. Tim continued to make waves. He contributed to the development of the Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice and served as the course coordinator for the Bachelor of Counselling program from 2020 to 2022. Today, he imparts his knowledge as a Senior Lecturer in the Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy course.

Beyond his academic, training and business roles, his commitment extends to his voluntary work. He is the Founding President of the Career Development Association of Singapore (CDAS) and actively contributes to the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) as a member of the editorial board of the APCD Journal.

Dr. Hsi's contributions have not gone unnoticed. In 2018, he received the "Outstanding Career Educator" award at the APCDA conference, along with the "Emerging Leader Award" the previous year.

Dr. Tim’s academic background includes a Dual Doctorate in Education from the UCL Institute of Education/Nanyang Tech University and a Master's degree in Guidance and Counselling from James Cook University.

Dr Tim’s journey in education, counselling, and career coaching is one marked by dedication and innovation. His achievements have left a lasting impact, and his future endeavours are eagerly anticipated.

For more information