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The Journey of an Entrepreneur is a Journey of Self Discovery

And it all starts with discovering this: What is YOUR definition of success?

I’ve worked with hundreds, if not thousands of entrepreneurs, and I can assure you that every one of them had a different idea of success. For some it was a six-figure income; for others, it was generating full-time income on part-time hours. Some wanted to inspire people; others wanted to educate. One wanted to coach 40 new parents each month, while another set her sights on intensive retreats for 10 retirees each quarter.  

As you dig deeper into your idea of success, you’ll discover that there are layers of insight about what success really is. Underneath the picture of a successful business, there’s the feeling of true success. It might be freedom from overwhelm and struggle, an inspiring level of work-life-family balance, or a pace that keeps you energized. Maybe it’s surrounding yourself with amazing people – and nothing but! For many people, it’s the sense that you’re finally doing what you were born to do.

The journey to success is a multi-dimensional process. Once you get clear about what you really want to create, you enter the next phase of the entrepreneurial journey of self-discovery: recognizing the habits, traits, and beliefs that stand between you and your success.   Most new entrepreneurs have no idea what will eventually hold them back – but sooner or later, we all find out!

When these realizations arise, they can be really challenging – deflating, embarrassing, even momentarily paralyzing. But it’s important to accept them without judgment. We all have areas of growth and new awareness. It is the attitude we choose and what we do with this new awareness that makes the difference. Knowing your definition of success and keeping your eye on your vision is critical to the journey of self-discovery becoming a journey of success.  

The Erickson Business Center challenge: Take some time to get really clear on what is your definition of success as a coach in business. Ask yourself what is your ideal business model? What are your profit centers? How much money do you want to be making a month? How will your coaching business allow you to experience what is most important to you.  

With clarity, courage, and continuous action, your vision of success is absolutely within reach.