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5 Ways for New Life Coaches to Get Over the Fear of Visibility

As a new life coach, wellness, or business coach, you might be a little hesitant to get your message and services out to the world. Perhaps you’re thinking that you might get rejected or ridiculed if you actually present your ideas to others. Fear not fellow newbies! I have some tips that helped me launch into my life coaching business with immediate success.

At the beginning of the year, I officially began my local life coaching practice. Like many of you, I went through the process of starting an LLC (small company), applying for an occupational license, and setting up a website, as well as social media pages. The technical business “stuff” was itself overwhelming, but then I also had to establish my credibility and presence within the community as a life and wellness coach.

Here’s the roadmap I followed, which made it possible for me to overcome my intial fear of rejecton and produced great results:

  1. Start small to build confidence.

    I used my experience to tap into the markets that I knew were open to paying presenters who could teach something of value. Hosting workshops at libraries, holistic centers, and community organizations was key to bringing awareness of my business to people who were interested in what I had to say. Though your professional network understands what you’re talking about, the general population may have never heard of the tools and tips that could really enhance their lives. You only need to know something that’s proved to be beneficial and teach it to others.
  2. Aim for professional, not perfection.

    Vulnerability establishes you as a human. Always try to position it as a teaching point, without complaining or victimizing yourself. After you’ve learned from a challenge, share your methods of overcoming the blocks to those who are eager to learn. Also remember there’s always going to be something that you could have tweaked, added, or changed in a coaching session, class, video, audio clip, or written product. Take all of that information into consideration as you modify your style, topics, and content. You are evolving like everyone else and people will appreciate your honesty. However, you don’t want to visibly appear as a hot mess to those who are looking to you for how to achieve success, balance, and fulfillment.
  3. Be graceful and patient with the process.

    Maybe you’re really excited about your new business and want to tell everyone about your endeavors. Whoa there for a sec! If you go into a social setting with an air of arrogance, that you’re better because you know about XYZ, you’ll isolate yourself and cut off the flow of productive interactions. Avoid overcompensating for your fears by giving away all your secrets and knowledge at one time. Meeting others and networking is a delicate dance. Ask people questions about themselves first. Eventually, you’ll find a transition point to chat about what you do for a living. Tone down any impulsivity, and present yourself as the poised royal, not the naïve page.
  4. Refine your craft.

    Don’t be afraid to learn tools and techniques from the great masters, including nature, children, and spiritual support. As you receive guidance, follow the trail that excites you the most and really ignites your passions. At the beginning, you might have a generalist approach to your coaching practice. But once you’ve taught some classes and coached some clients, you’ll start to realize who exactly your ideal audience is. You’re more likely to feel natural and at ease talking about something you actually experienced on a personal level. You may notice a certain topic that resonates with you deeply and becomes your zone of genius. This is your sweet spot! If you end up coaching about a subject that doesn’t thrill you or that you have no point of reference for, you might get bored or confused and end up self-sabotaging.
  5. Ask for feedback.

    Chances are you’re on a personal development journey yourself. Be open and receptive to constructive advice that allows you to grow as a person and as a business. You can survey your clients and social media followers to see what they need help with the most. Take advantage of the analytics and statistics on which newsletters are being opened more than others and which posts are getting lots of engagement. Listen to your peers, life coaching clients, and mentors without getting defensive when they suggest improvements. You’ll be less afraid and clients will be more interactive when you help solve specific problems within major life areas like the big three – love, money, and wellbeing.

Using these tips, I was able to book speaking engagements, gain subscribers to my newsletter, sell my online products, and schedule clients, including two that paid for my highest offer, all within the first couple of months. Anxiety and hesitation will probably show up as you increase your visibility. Just remember to return to a state of professional grace, educate yourself, and focus on the needs of your clients.

Expanding steadily with purpose and awareness can help you move beyond your comfortable space and into the next phase of your professional journey.