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2023 Letter of Thanks from Dr. Marilyn Atkinson

To all my friends, Holiday Greetings! 

A wonderful still point for reflection and clarity about our life seems to come to us as the year nears its close. Especially in turbulent and difficult times, we need to reflect on the spirit of this season. It is a time for reaching out to help where we can, and to forgive where we must. 

I sit in my wonderful ‘tree room’ here in British Columbia and say hello to you all. For me, this has been a year of true deepening, filled with learning, choice, and change. Lawrence and I have been carefully revising our life and travel plans, keeping them simpler. He is quite careful around his gradual rebuilding of strength after his fall last year and is finally starting to travel again. 
Thailand is a beautiful part of the world, and we are excited to go there for the World Game in 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate and connect as Erickson global change agents. I truly invite you to consider this trip. 

We humans have magnificent minds, and as coaches, we know how to appreciate the gift we have been given, and to give back. For you, friends from around the world, what does this year’s end bring to you? Take a moment to notice the gifts you have received and who you are now as a result of it. We need to be able to count on each other, our friends, families, and teams. Our coaching skills and mindsets assist with everyone in our lives, including, and especially, ourselves. Despite the difficulties on our planet at this time, our heart’s purpose calls us. Life’s beauty beckons us toward our own inner beauty. 

The luminous horizon of our vision calls; a horizon that frames life’s deep aims for our own unfolding and the arising of whatever will kindle us to burn for life, ever brighter and more authentically. As coaches, we have inner guidance. When the world darkens, our flame gives light to others. 
It has been a joy sharing this year with you. Thank you, for the great privilege. I wish you the fulfillment of your heart’s desire, 

In fellowship, 