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2022 Letter of Thanks from Marilyn Atkinson

An open letter from Marilyn Atkinson, Erickson founder, to coaches, facilitators and members of the coaching community.

AUTHOR: Marilyn Atkinson
DATE: 22 December 2022

Hello to Everyone,

Sending this message to all hardworking Erickson central staff, world-wide coaches, partners, facilitators, and many of our Erickson friends.

This is really a time for some reflections for the Christmas season; for the season of hope and thanksgiving.

First, I would like to share my deep gratitude list:
I want to thank all of you fellow partners, facilitators, and coaches, who have taken on the big challenge of assisting thousands of people to self-coach and be coached.  You are assisting people to take a giant leap forward in their own development. Both coaching and self-coaching contribute to a focus on values, caring, self-awareness, and a more generous world. Rebuilding a more generous world is our big challenge today. Our coaching values provide a beacon to others.

Second, I want to deeply thank those of you who are, with others, becoming a champion for Erickson and its programs, and in assisting us to bring more people to the awareness of our Erickson principles.

Third, I want to thank all of you who are providing servant leadership, working as a coach in your own organization, no matter if you are connected with Erickson Coaching at all in doing this. What are we really up to on a global level? We are encouraging the healing intelligence of heartfelt dialogue into the world and, as well, into our own self- awareness and self-realization.

We have been working in an era when our resilience, our listening, and our commitment to the ICF principles is deeply needed. Thank you for your presence and purpose. 

As solution-focused coaches we provide a centrifuge for the force of human development in the world. This is very much like the spirit of Christmas, and very much like a "World Game" of true contribution that we support. Let us keep our vision high in this troubled world, because there is much to hope for even in these difficult times.  A balloon, once blown up, is much, much easier to fill again. There is room for optimism.

Thank you so much for the humor, kindness, and warmth you have brought to myself and to Lawrence after his difficult fall and surgeries in the last two months.  We have been showered by love and felt it!!  By the time we arrive at the World Game Reimagined in Egypt at the end of March, he will be an athlete again. Please come and join us for this amazing celebration of our world team, and our world aim.  Perhaps, as well, join us to attend or to review The Art and Science of Transformational Training along with myself to start it all off.

The spirit of coaching is like the spirit of Christmas. It is deeply personal, as all warmth and kindness flows much wider and deeper into the hearts and minds of all of us than we notice.  Take time this season to pause, to hug, to listen to the difficult ones, and to listen to your own heart. Enjoy this great connective time, everyone! Take time in your holiday season for coaching, for being coached, and most of all take time for your own authentic journey forward.

My heartfelt wishes and love to you all,

Marilyn Atkinson

Founder and President of Erickson Coaching International