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Maria Hofman

Class of 2014

Professional Coach

I am both an Erickson Certified Professional Coach (ECPC) and an ICF-certified Professional Certified Coach (PCC). My coaching practice extends to individuals from various countries, primarily across Europe, and even beyond. I am proficient in coaching sessions conducted in English, Norwegian, and Dutch. 

In addition to my comprehensive coach training, I hold certifications and possess experience in utilizing a range of methodologies, including VIA character strengths (which forms the core of Positive Psychology initiated by Martin Seligman), Mindfulness techniques, tools derived from Points of You (based on photography), and NeuroGraphica (a transformative drawing approach).

Following several years in a middle management role within the bustling IT industry, I've come to understand the significance of appreciative communication and maintaining mental clarity. To me, each coaching conversation represents a unique creative process, distinct from any other. Through attentive and purposeful dialogues, I derive immense satisfaction from guiding employees and managers—whether they are newcomers or seasoned professionals—towards growth, well-being, inner tranquility, and mastery in their daily lives.

My fervor lies in inspiring individuals who seek to align with their values and strengths, focusing more on tasks that resonate with their innate abilities and preferences, while reducing engagement in activities that generate stress within their personal or professional spheres. 

Approach to Coaching:

My coaching approach is grounded in fostering a collaborative and empowering environment. Through active listening and thought-provoking questioning, I work closely with coaches to uncover their inherent strengths and untapped potential. By building on these foundations, I guide them in crafting actionable strategies that align with their values, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Each coaching session, to me, is an opportunity to facilitate positive change, encouraging individuals to embrace their unique abilities and cultivate a sense of purpose.

Get to know  Maria Hofman

What are you most proud of from the past 20 years?

Over the last two decades, I have served as a middle manager within a bustling IT department at a hospital for several years. One project that stood out to me was overseeing the migration of IT systems during the construction of a new hospital. This experience taught me the significance of positive communication and maintaining composure under pressure. However, I take the greatest pride in my choice to depart from that role. Following my passion, I transitioned into a career as a coach. This shift allows me to leverage my core character strengths, which include a deep affection for people, a sense of curiosity, and a genuine appreciation for beauty and excellence.

What does transformation mean to you and what role do you feel coaching plays in the transformation of society?

In a world fraught with turmoil and crises, many find it challenging to focus on the positive, often succumbing to overwhelming feelings. To me, transformation signifies a shift beyond mere intellectual and ego-driven actions. It entails embracing our hearts' wisdom, rediscovering a sense of grounding, and reclaiming empowerment through mindfulness.

Drawing from my engagement with positive psychology, particularly the study of character strengths, I'm consistently astounded by how swiftly individuals enhance their self-assurance by recognizing their innate capabilities and authentic motivations. This phenomenon constantly captures my attention during coaching sessions. Every person possesses a distinctiveness and distinct needs, rendering each coaching conversation a unique creative endeavor unlike any other. This facet of coaching wields a substantial potential for fostering transformation—a departure from typical left-brain thinking. Notably, as we tend to be excessively cerebral, I observe a growing inclination among my coaches to seek mindfulness and right-brain activities. Though these inclinations often lie outside the realms of conventional ICF coaching, ample prospects arise throughout the coaching process to delve into right-brain exploration. Techniques like employing personal photographs or encouraging simple visual depictions open avenues for novel perspectives.

Through allocating time for introspection and "me-time," one can activate the entirety of the brain and the entire nervous system, harmonizing both logical-analytical cogitation and creative-intuitive responses sensed within our bodies. I hold the belief that through this approach, we can uncover innovative, creative pathways to lead fulfilling lives on Earth.

What role has Erickson played in your transformation in the past 20 years?

My Erickson coach training has imparted a wealth of knowledge about myself and instilled in me the confidence to venture beyond my comfort zone. It might seem peculiar, but for me, it was a revelation to realize that everyone grapples with their own challenges (hidden behind the mask). This understanding assures us that we're not isolated in our struggles. We can experience a sense of security and motivation by conversing with someone who approaches us without judgment. Presently, I am profoundly thankful and humbled by the individuals who place their trust in me to lead them on their journey of personal and professional growth.
