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Business Webinar

What does it take to build a successful organization and how can coaching help?

Hosted by Erickson CEO Louise Hendey, Courageous Conversations aims to have hard hitting conversations around succeeding in today's business environment.

With fluctuating global and economic conditions, fast-paced technological advances, workforce challenges such as hybrid and remote work,  and companies experiencing unpredictable circumstances, organizations and leaders are navigating a uniquely challenging and highly nuanced climate.

Join us for a solution-focused panel discussion, where we discuss practical strategies with organizational experts. 

Join our panel of organizational experts to discuss:

  • Key challenges being experienced by leaders and executives.
  • Defining elements of the pressured and fast-paced environment that executives are navigating.
  • Practical steps toward solutions.

Business Resources

  • Discover how Google equips leaders with Coaching skills, read more here.
  • Explore key Coaching trends in organizations, read more here.
  • Find out Ways to use Coaching to be a more effective leader, read more here.
  • Do you know why you should invest in Executive Coach Training? Explore the reasons here.
  • Gain insight into the process of Organizational Coaching, here.


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