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B jörn Schigt

Class of 2021

Professional Coach

I'm Björn, and my passion lies in supporting executives to develop and enhance their leadership capacities for both everyday and complex situations. I bring a unique blend of expertise built on four key pillars:

Extensive Executive Experience: With 17 years of executive and operational leadership, along with a successful track record of consulting for multinationals across the globe, I possess a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by leaders in diverse environments.

Scientific Background in Organisational Change and Leadership: My academic background in organisational change and leadership provides a strong foundation for delivering evidence-based and effective leadership solutions.

Coaching Methodology with Ericksonian Influence: I have undergone comprehensive coaching methodology training, with a substantial focus on Ericksonian techniques. This enables me to empower leaders through a highly personalized and impactful coaching approach.

Cutting-edge Coaching and Development App: As a testament to innovation, I have developed an in-house app designed to support end-to-end coaching and development programs. This app equips leaders and organizations with the tools, confidence, and skills to lead their teams sustainably, fostering high performance and job satisfaction across the board.

My vision is to equip leaders and organizations with the necessary instruments and skills to navigate all circumstances successfully. By doing so, they can achieve both high performance and high job satisfaction, fostering a thriving work environment that leads to lasting success.

Get to know  Bjorn Schigt

What are you most proud of from the past 20 years?

Throughout the last two decades, my dynamic and exciting corporate career has taken me around the world, holding various leadership positions and connecting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Amidst this journey, I discovered my calling as a leadership development coach and consultant. Embracing this new direction demanded determination, as I pursued a relevant Master's Degree, underwent professional coaching training from Erickson, and built my own company with satisfied clients. Looking back, I take immense pride in the transformative path I've traveled, and I now eagerly channel my passion and experience to empower my clients, fostering growth and success together.

What does transformation mean to you and what role do you feel coaching plays in the transformation of society? 

Transformation, to me, is the profound process of personal and collective growth, leading to positive change and evolution in various aspects of life, including society, organizations, and personal and professional situations. As a leadership development coach and consultant, I believe coaching plays a pivotal role in facilitating these transformations. By empowering individuals with self-awareness, clarity, and confidence, coaching enables them to navigate challenges, unlock their potential, and embrace change. This, in turn, translates into more empowered and fulfilled individuals within organizations and society as a whole, fostering a culture of growth, empathy, and progress.

What role has Erickson played in your transformation in the past 20 years?

Erickson has been a pivotal force in my journey as a leadership development coach and consultant. By honing my focus on clients' intrinsic motivation, I've connected with individuals on a deeper level, nurturing their aspirations for profound transformations. Their structured process for growth and self-development has shaped my coaching methodology, providing a clear framework to guide clients towards achievable goals, progress tracking, and celebrating successes. This approach empowers clients while enhancing my effectiveness, ensuring our work remains purposeful and results-driven. Erickson's impact has been invaluable, fostering lasting change in both personal and professional spheres.
