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What Brings YOU Joy?

AUTHOR: Teresia LaRoque
DATE: 31 July 2012

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” - Dalai Lama

This question is a very strategic business question. The more joyful you are as a coach in business, the easier building your business will be. Why? Because you are your business and when you live a life that brings you joy, you become irresistibly attractive. (Not the great haircut kind of attractive but the “I want to be around her” kind of attractive).

Have you ever said or heard someone say, “I want what she has”? Most often individuals are referring to one’s love for life, boundless energy, an ability to be in the flow and dance with life. Oxford’s dictionary defines joy as, "a vivid emotion of pleasure arising from a sense of well-being." I love this definition because it roots joy in a sense of well-being and we are in charge of ensuring we have a sense of well-being every day of our lives.


Often when working with wildly successful entrepreneurs, when asked what brings them joy, there was silence – dead silence and a glimpse of embarrassment on their face when they could not answer. Sometimes when building or running a successful business, we can get caught up in the day to day responsibilities and find ourselves on the treadmill of ongoing achievement, always chasing after the next “success” and finding ourselves disconnected to what brings us joy.

I invite you to take 10 minutes and do some very important strategic planning: make a list of 10 things that bring you joy. Start with 10 things that you can do at anytime, with little investment of time or money. Ask yourself what puts a smile on your face? What gives you energy? What contributes to a feeling of peace, contentment, or passion? To live a joyful life we first must become conscious of what brings us joy. Writing this article, I was inspired to revisit my list. Use my list to get the creative juices going on what brings you joy.

  1. Being there when Kenny first opens his eyes in the morning and capturing his morning smile and a morning snuggle.
  2. Unplanned family days with Brian and Kenny.
  3. Cooking together with good friends and family and enjoying a delicious dinner.
  4. Saying goodnight to the day by sharing a sunset and a glass of wine with Brian.
  5. Getting up at sunrise and writing in my journal.
  6. Sitting on a patio with a view of the ocean and mountains with my gal pals and enjoying great conversation.
  7. Cranking the music (yes usually country) and dancing with my little guy.
  8. A great workout.
  9. My mastermind calls.
  10. Cruising in the convertible.

Similar to a coaching session, your joy list is customized for you. Give yourself the gift of identifying your list of what brings you joy and decide to make it a part of your life and watch the magic unfold in your business!

Share with me what is on your JOY LIST and if you have a picture send that in also – lets spread the joy, it is contagious!

Your personal business building mentor,
Teresia LaRoque