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Mandela Day and Embracing Values for a Better World

AUTHOR: Chelsea Frank
DATE: 7 July 2023
Every year on July 18, we celebrate an extraordinary leader who dedicated his life to fighting for equality, justice, and freedom. Nelson Mandela, a true legend of peace and reconciliation, left behind an inspiring legacy that continues to touch hearts and minds. So, on this special Mandela Day, let's dive into the meaningful connection between this day and the values it represents.

Unity and Diversity

Mandela Day reminds us of the incredible value of unity in diversity. Mandela firmly believed that our differences should bring us closer, not tear us apart. He spent his life breaking down the walls of apartheid, a system that thrived on segregation and discrimination. We can learn from his teachings by embracing diversity in our own lives. Let's celebrate what makes us unique and respect the differences that make others shine. By doing so, we can create an inclusive society where everyone feels valued and respected.

Service and Social Responsibility

Mandela Day calls upon us to embrace service and social responsibility. Mandela's life was a shining example of selfless dedication to others and the pursuit of social justice. On this special day, people from all walks of life are encouraged to dedicate 67 minutes (symbolizing the 67 years of Mandela's public service) to making a positive impact in their communities. We can draw inspiration from Mandela's commitment by finding ways to contribute to the well-being of others. Whether it's volunteering, mentoring, or supporting a cause we care about, every act of service, no matter how small, has the power to create meaningful change.

Perseverance and Resilience

Mandela Day serves as a powerful reminder of the indomitable spirit of perseverance and resilience. Mandela faced countless challenges and setbacks throughout his journey, yet he never lost sight of his pursuit of justice and equality. In our own lives, we can draw strength from his example, knowing that we, too, have the capacity to overcome obstacles. Embracing a resilient mindset allows us to confront adversity head-on, learn from our failures, and continue striving towards our goals.

As we celebrate Mandela Day, let's pause and reflect on the values that this extraordinary leader embodied: unity, forgiveness, service, and resilience. By embracing these values in our daily lives, we can contribute to a more harmonious and equitable world. So, let's seize this opportunity to spread kindness, celebrate diversity, and extend compassion to others. Remember, the impact we make, no matter how small, has the power to inspire others to follow in Mandela's footsteps. Together, let's make every day a Mandela Day by living out these values and creating a positive difference in the lives of those around us.
Here are ten ways you can celebrate Mandela Day and make a positive impact by dedicating your 67 minutes:
  1. Volunteer at a local community center: Spend your time helping out at a community center that supports underprivileged individuals or families. You can assist with organizing activities, serving meals, or providing educational support.
  2. Clean up a neighborhood park: Gather a group of friends or neighbors and spend your 67 minutes cleaning up litter, weeding, and beautifying a local park. It's a simple yet effective way to contribute to the cleanliness and enjoyment of public spaces.
  3. Support a charity or nonprofit organization: Find a cause that resonates with you and dedicate your time to support a charity or nonprofit organization. You can offer your skills by helping with administrative tasks, fundraising efforts, or event planning during your 67 minutes.
  4. Coach a student or aspiring professional: Share your knowledge and expertise by becoming a mentor for a student or someone looking to develop their skills in a particular field. Spend your 67 minutes offering guidance, advice, and support to help them achieve their goals.
  5. Organize a donation drive: Get your friends, family, or coworkers involved and collect essential items like clothing, food, or school supplies for those in need. Use your 67 minutes to coordinate the drive and distribute the donations to local shelters or organizations.
  6. Visit an elderly care facility: Spend quality time with the elderly residents of a care facility or nursing home. Engage in conversations, play games, or simply provide companionship. Your presence and attentiveness can bring joy and brighten their day during your 67 minutes.
  7. Teach a skill or workshop: Share your passion and knowledge by organizing a skill-sharing session or workshop. Teach others a craft, a musical instrument, a cooking technique, or any skill you excel at. Use your 67 minutes to empower others with new abilities.
  8. Create care packages for the homeless: Assemble care packages filled with essential items like toiletries, socks, snacks, and water bottles for distribution to homeless individuals. Spend your 67 minutes preparing and distributing these packages to those in need.
  9. Plant trees or start a community garden: Dedicate your time to environmental conservation by planting trees or initiating a community garden. Gather a group of enthusiastic individuals and work together to create a greener and more sustainable environment for everyone to enjoy.
  10. Spread kindness and gratitude: Use your 67 minutes to reach out to friends, family, or even strangers with acts of kindness. Write heartfelt letters of appreciation, perform random acts of kindness, or offer words of encouragement to brighten someone's day.

Remember, Mandela Day is an opportunity to make a difference, no matter how big or small. So, choose an activity that resonates with you and let your 67 minutes count towards creating a better world.

For Mandela week, we will be extending our NPO coaching sessions by 7 minutes from 60 to 67 minutes in solidarity. We are also encouraging our global community to participate!

Get Involved: We want to shine a light on the good in our community and encourage people participating in Mandela Day and offering their coaching for 67 minutes to tag us on social media or email (alumni@erickson.edu) us to let us know using our hashtag - #67MinutesWithErickson