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How To Make Sure Your New Year's Resolutions Actually Come True

It’s that season where everyone is buzzing with resolutions. Here are some techniques that draw on coaching to ensure yours actually come true.

It’s that season where everyone is buzzing with intention, resolutions and excitement. The gym is full and the snack aisle is empty. The cynic in you might be wondering at what point the opposite will be true. You hear a voice say, "Can this year be different?" It can be, and it will be. Your goals are valid and have come from a desire for change. The part that is missing is making sure they integrate with your responsibilities and commitments. To make your New Year’s resolutions sustainable you simply need to make them fail proof.

Here are some of the exercises and techniques that we recommend using to ensure your resolutions make it past the first month.


Expand your Goals to a Value and Identity Level

Consider why you have chosen this specific resolution or intention for the year. What about it is important to you? What is your deeper meaning behind it? By considering what your resolutions mean to you on a value level and how they contribute to your identity, you are more likely to stick with them. 


Envision Yourself Achieving Your Goal

Take a moment, look up, and visualize yourself getting the result you want. Enjoy the feeling and consider how this visualization makes it more real. Often, you can set a resolution or goal without fully understanding what it would look like to get it. Picturing yourself as 'having achieved it' can help you better understand your goal, what it more fully entails, and can increase your drive and commitment towards it. Watch as your motivation builds momentum!

Say It Out Loud

Part of setting an intention includes committing to it. This can mean telling someone, saying it out loud to yourself, writing it down or even printing it and sticking it on your wall. Whatever makes it real and ensures you have committed to it will do the trick. Formulating it in a clear and cohesive sentence is a great way to lock in the intention. 


Simplify it to a Weekly Consistent Action

Slow and sure progress is the goal here! New Year’s Resolutions are notorious for not sticking. This is mainly because they are conceptualized when life isn’t at its craziest. Studies show that new behaviors take 66 days before they become automatic. Today, consider the smallest step you could take each week that would set you on a trajectory to achieving your intention.

Get a Coach

To truly work through this process and fail proof your resolution, the best action you can take is to get a coach. Coaches are trained professionals who partner with you to support you in moving towards your goals, working past fears and blockers, and building systems and action plans that result in sustainable and lasting change. 


Now hear that voice say, "Can this year be different?" It can be, and it will be. We wish you the best of luck and have every faith that you have all of the resources you need to make your intentions sustainable, successful and long lasting.